YOUTH 2020 - The position of young people in Slovenia

Introduction  29 METHODOLOGICAL DESIGN The Mladina 2020 study is based on a combination of three methods of social science data collection. The most important and extensive part of the research was based on a survey of young people in Slovenia, as well as the methods of qualitative interview and secondary data analysis. All per- manent residents in the Republic of Slovenia, who were between 15 and 29 years old on 5 August 2020, comprise the target population of theMladina 2020 study. Samplingwas based on data from the Central Population Reg- ister of Slovenia, and the target population was previously stratified ac- cording to 12 statistical regions and 6 types of settlements. People or sam- pling units were selected by means of two-stage sampling. In the first stage, 240 Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) were selected based on the Cluster of Enumeration Areas (CEA) or sample points, which are available at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) for the purpose of making samples. Primary sampling units (PSUs) were selected at ran- dom, proportional to the size of the CEA according to the definition of the target population and previously stratified by regions and settlement types. In the second stage of the study, 15 peoplewere selectedwithin each of the selected primary sampling units (PSUs) by simple randomsampling. The planned sample thus consisted of 3600 people (240 PSU x 15 = 3600 people), whichwe assessed as sufficient in terms of providing at least 1,200 completed surveys under the relatively unfavourable conditions for sur- veys created by the epidemic. For everyone in the sample we obtained the following data: name and surname, street and house number, code and name of settlement, postal code and name of post office, code and name of municipality, code and name of settlement type, code and name of statis- tical region, and age (15–18 years, 19–24 years, 25–29 years). The field survey began on 19 August 2020. In the first phase, i.e., until 15 October 2020, the survey was conducted in person in the field, with the help of tablets. For the needs of the survey, 78 interviewers from all over Slovenia were hired. When planning the study in the period after the end of the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic, a response rate of at least 50%was predicted. Nomajor problems were observed in the initial phase of the survey. In mid-September 2020, when the situation in the country