YOUTH 2020 - The position of young people in Slovenia

Use of information and communications technology, and the digital environment  325 TOMAŽ DEŽELAN, MARKO RADOVAN, MIHA MATJAŠIČ AND MARKO MAJCE 10. USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY, AND THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT 10.1 NETWORKED YOUNG CITIZENS IN THE CONTEXT OF NEW SOCIAL SITUATIONS In the decade since the Mladina 2010 survey was published, in which one chapter focused on the virtualization of everyday life and time young peo- ple spend on the internet, it has become clear that information and com- munications technology (ICT) has transcended its reach as just another area of ​human activity. ICT has fundamentally changed the established processes of life and work, regardless of industry or world region. From farmers, micro-enterprises, and the fast-growing ICT sector itself to doc- tors and health professionals, and teachers all the way to the impact on politics and its general social perception, we see tremendous changes everywhere, which of course bring with them great challenges and prob- lems (Heeks, 2018). At the beginning of the new millennium, Castells (2001) recognized that the internet and related ICT changed today’s socie- ty in the way inwhich Gutenberg’s printing press altered society in the 15 th century. The transition from Gutenberg’s world to the internet world was achieved by the internet’s constant growth in terms of both volume and reach across all spheres of social activity, its pivotal impact on socio-eco- nomic and political order, and the associated fundamental changes in hu- man activity. At the turn of the millennium, it became clear that the nascent era of the internet ended quickly, if it had ever existed. With the help of the normal-