YOUTH 2020 - The position of young people in Slovenia

Use of information and communications technology, and the digital environment  335 “I sometimes posted things when I was in high school, but now that’s really rare. I don’t know if I’ve posted something this year.” (Ester, 25 years old, researcher) Given the high frequency of online tasks among young people and the amount of time they spend on them, we were interested in the frequency of use of individual online communities in the Mladina 2020 survey. It turned out that about two-thirds of young people visit online social net- works such as Facebook every day, and just under three-fifths use video and photo communities daily. When it comes to the type of online com- munities and communication tools that young people use today, we find a mixture of “traditional” and new tools that are popular among young peo- ple in Slovenia. Among the first is certainly Facebook, which is still the most frequently used social network, and only slightly behind it, in terms of the share of users, is Instagram. TikTok, which is currently considered as amuchmore youth-oriented tool, is also showing a wide range of users, as it is used by more than a third of young people. On the other hand, Twitter, which is considered the dominant tool of political debate and the chosen tool of political decision-makers, is more or less uninteresting for young people, as it is used by only about a fifth (see Figure 10.5). Figure 10.5: Users of social networks among young people (in %). 10% 20% 30% 50% 80% 90% 70% 40% 60% 100% Other 1.0 Twitter 20.1 TikTok 30.5 Instagram 77.8 Facebook 80.9 0% Source: Mladina 2020 .