YOUTH 2020 - The position of young people in Slovenia

Young people, family, and intergenerational mindsets  257 Our findings show that social contacts in the family and among friends are crucial for young people, as they represent a strong and multidimen- sional source of social support for them. The fact that the family has an important place in the lives of young Slovenians is also reflected in the ranking of family life at the top of the hierarchical scale in terms of the importance of young people’s individual values in the period from 2000 to 2020. The importance of the family as the primary source of social support for young people is also recognized by young people themselves: “I am primarily supported by my parents. I have always been supported, since elementary school when I wanted a violin in every way. /… / My sister is also supporting me. My sister supports me mostly morally. And of course, my boyfriend, who has supported me financially and now morally as well.” (Maša, 26 years old, precariously employed) “The main help, of course, was provided by my parents, as I was able to live at home without paying any expenses. /… / In my network of social support, of course, my parents are the first who support me financially and morally.” (Daša, 25 years old, young entrepreneur and student) For all forms of social support, young people most often turn to their informal networks, i.e. parents, partners and friends. Parents are by far the most important actors in providing social support to young people, providing the most material and financial support, and providing support in the event of illness and when looking for a job. 7.2.1  YOUNG PEOPLE’S PARENTAL SUPPORT IN THE FUTURE Parents are a key source of support in young people’s lives, even during the transition to adulthood. While young people are prolonging some life courses, they are also prolonging their period of dependence on their par-